Ministry of Crab

Ministry of Crab

Chilli Crab is a classic must-try when you are in Singapore. Dip some mantou in the spicy, savoury but sweet chilli crab sauce for a taste of heaven! Ministry of Crab is the best place to try out other classic flavours such as Black Pepper Crab and Salted Egg Yolk Crab.

辣椒螃蟹是新加坡人家喻户晓的道地美食,来到新加坡又怎能不吃辣椒螃蟹呢?辣椒螃蟹酱配上一盘炸馒头就简直是天衣无缝!Ministry of Crab 也是尝试其他道地口味,如黑胡椒螃蟹和咸蛋黄螃蟹,的最佳选择。


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